
Reviews by Author


Alcott, Louisa May.  Behind a Mask; or, A Woman's Power.
Alcott, Louisa May.  Pauline's Passion and Punishment.
Atwood, Margaret.  The Edible Woman.
Atwood, Margaret.  The Handmaid's Tale.
Atwood, Margaret.  Oryx and Crake.
Atwood, Margaret.  The Penelopiad.
Atwood, Margaret.  Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature.
Atwood, Margaret.  Surfacing.
Austen, Jane.  Northanger Abbey.
Austen, Jane.  Pride and Prejudice.


Bainbridge, Beryl.  The Bottle Factory Outing.
Blais, Marie-Claire.  Mad Shadows.
Bodger, Joan.  How the Heather Looks A Joyous Journey to the British Sources of Children's Books.
Brooke, Frances.  The History of Emily Montague.


Carrier, Roch.  La Guerre, Yes Sir!
Cather, Willa.  My Antonia.
Cather, Willa.  Shadows on the Rock.
Chekhov, Anton.  "Vanka"
Chopin, Kate.  The Awakening.
Choy, Wayson.  The Jade Peony.


Davies, Robertson.  Fifth Business.
de Botton, Alain.  How Proust Can Change Your Life: Not a Novel.
Devaney, Julie.  My Leaky Body: Tales from the Gurney.


Edson, Margaret.  W;t, a Play.


Fitzgerald, F. Scott.  The Great Gatsby.
Foster, Thomas C.  How to Read Literature like a Professor.
Friskney, Janet B.  New Canadian Library: The Ross-McClelland Years, 1952-1978.


Gaskell, Elizabeth.  North and South. (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four)

Godden, Rumer.  The Greengage Summer.


Haliburton, Thomas Chandler.  The Clockmaker: The Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick of Slickville.
Halvorson, Marilyn.  To Everything a Season: A Year in Alberta Ranch Country.
Harrison, Charles Yale.  Generals Die in Bed.
Hemingway, Ernest.  The Old Man and the Sea.
Hémon, Louis.  Maria Chapdelaine.
Henry, O.  "The Furnished Room"
Henry, O.  "The Ransom of Red Chief"
Hospital, Janette Turner.  "Here and Now"




Kawabata, Yasunari.  The Old Capital.
Kay, Guy Gavriel.  Ysabel.
Keane, Molly.  Devoted Ladies.
Keane, Molly.  Good Behaviour.


Laurence, Margaret.  The Stone Angel.
Leacock, Stephen.  "We Have With Us Tonight." (from My Discovery of England.)
Leacock, Stephen.  "A, B, and C: The Human Element in Mathematics" (from Literary Lapses.)
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow.  Gift from the Sea.


MacDonald, Ann-Marie.  Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet).
Mayle, Peter.  A Year in Provence.
Montgomery, L. M.  The Blue Castle.
Montgomery, L. M.  Anne of the Island.
Montgomery, L. M.  Anne of Windy Poplars.
Montgomery, L. M.  "The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's" (from Chronicles of Avonlea.)
Mowat, Farley.  Lost in the Barrens.
Mowat, Farley.  The Curse of the Viking Grave.
Munro, Alice.  The View from Castle Rock. (title story review)
Murphy, Dervla.  Wheels Within Wheels.


Niven, Jennifer.  Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic.


Ondaatje, Michael.  The English Patient.
Ostenso, Martha.  Wild Geese.
Ozma, Alice.  The Reading Promise: My Father and the Books We Shared.


Pullinger, Kate.  The Mistress of Nothing.


Quindlen, Anna.  How Reading Changed My Life.


Rahimi, Atiq.  Earth and Ashes.
Remarque, Erich Maria.  All Quiet on the Western Front.
Richler, Nancy.  The Imposter Bride.
Riley, Louise.  One Happy Moment.
Ringuet.  Thirty Acres.
Ross, Sinclair.  "The Painted Door"  (short fiction)


Sankovitch, Nina.  Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading.
Schoemperlen, Diane.  At a Loss for Words.
Shields, Carol.  "The Orange Fish"
Strayed, Cheryl.  Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail.
Suzuki, David and Keibo Oiwa.  The Japan We Never Knew: A Journey of Discovery.


Taylor, Elizabeth.  Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont.
Thurber, James.  "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" 
Tóibín, Colm.  Brooklyn.
Traill, Catharine Parr.  "The Bereavement"
Trease, Geoffrey.  Cue for Treason: A Tale of Shakespearean England.
Trease, Geoffrey.  Word to Caesar.
Tyler, Anne.  Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant.



von Arnim, Elizabeth.  The Enchanted April.


Watson, Sheila.  The Double Hook.
Watson, Winifred.  Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.
Wilson, Ethel.  "We Have to Sit Opposite"  
Wilson, Ethel.  Hetty Dorval. 
Wiseman, Adele.  The Sacrifice.




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